The pH Factor: Exploring the Benefits and Drawbacks of Alkaline Mineral Drinks

Alkaline mineral water has recently gained popularity as a potential way to boost health and wellness. Marketed with promises of improved bone density and reduced acid reflux, these drinks claim to deliver benefits beyond basic hydration. However, with lofty claims also come questions.  

This article separates fact from fiction by exploring alkaline water benefits and risks. We’ll examine the science behind how these drinks differ from regular water and know the pH level for alkaline water.

Whether you're new to alkaline water or a professional, this article will dissolve confusion. Let's get started!

Understanding the pH Factor: Exploring Alkaline Mineral Drinks

Hydration is not just limited to average tap or bottled H2O. It has developed beyond this, offering multiple other options. These beverages claim all sorts of wellness perks - but what makes them different? Let's dive into the pH factor of alkaline drinks.

Understanding the pH of water is the first step. It measures acidity or alkalinity on a scale from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Water with a lower pH is more acidic, while water with a higher pH is more alkaline. Understanding this pH level concept is vital in many areas, like water quality, chemical reactions, and even how our bodies function.

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The pH level of RO Water

When treated with reverse osmosis, water goes through a filtering process that removes harmful substances like toxins, microbes, lead, and impurities. However, this method, which utilizes a membrane with extremely small holes, also removes many minerals from the water, resulting in a slight increase in acidity. 

The pH level of RO water typically falls around neutral (6-6.5), but it can fluctuate depending on the original mineral content of the water and the effectiveness of the RO system. 

While RO water is slightly acidic, it is still safe for consumption. It's important to be aware that the acidity of RO water can interact with surfaces it touches, potentially causing stains on faucets, sinks, and appliances. In contrast, water with a higher pH level is less likely to react with other elements and compounds.

Alkaline Water Benefits and Risks: Separating Fact from Fiction

Alkaline water brands make all sorts of health claims. But are the alleged benefits indeed backed by sound evidence? 

  • Exploring the Benefits: Fact or Fiction? 

Studies highlight multiple advantages of drinking alkaline water. For example, A 2020 study conducted on mice discovered that drinking alkaline water on a daily basis improved DNA aging indicators. 

  • Weighing the Risks:

On the flip side, you must also consider the potential disadvantages of alkaline water. Consuming too much of anything can be dangerous. The most important thing you need to keep in mind while consuming alkaline drinks is to make sure that you use everything in moderation. 

  • Scientific Factor: 

So what's the science saying here? The research community advises proceeding with caution. Surely, there is a need for higher-quality and more extensive studies before drawing definite conclusions. Limitations, small sample sizes, and inconclusive findings show that it's wise to view claims critically. Evocus is actively contributing to scientific understanding.

While alkaline water may offer some prospective advantages, the proof isn't conclusive. It's wise to run health perks by your doctor and approach marketing language skeptically. Filtering facts from fiction is key when making alkaline drinks a part of your daily hydration routine. 

How Different is Alkaline Water from Regular RO Water

With all the lucrative information available, you may seem to be confused between ionized alkaline water and your basic tap water. Let's break down the key differences between these two types of liquids.


Alkaline Water

Regular Water

pH Level

Typically higher (pH 8-10)

Around neutral (pH 6-6.5)

Mineral Content

May contain minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium

The mineral content is notably demineralized and inconsistent.

Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP)

Negative ORP, acting as an antioxidant

Typically positive ORP

Molecular Structure

Smaller cluster size, potentially more easily absorbed by cells

Larger cluster size


Often described as earthy or refreshing.

Taste may vary depending on the source.


Some claim improved hydration due to smaller water clusters

Provides standard hydration

Key Differences

  • The pH level is around 8 to 9 in a bottle of alkaline water, whereas in regular bottled water, the pH is 6-6.5.
  • Alkaline water contains minerals like calcium, sodium, and magnesium, whereas regular water contains natural minerals in varying amounts, depending on its source.
  • Alkaline water has a negative oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), which some claim provides antioxidant benefits; on the other hand, regular water has a positive ORP.
  • Due to its smaller cluster size, some individuals claim that alkaline water is absorbed more easily by cells, which helps in better nutrient absorption.

Demystifying pH: What You Need to Know About Alkaline Water's pH Level

The pH level for alkaline water is usually on the higher side. Some of the facts to know about the pH are as follows:

  1. pH measures acidity or alkalinity on a scale of 0 to 14. 
  2. A pH of 7 is considered neutral, while lower means more acidic, and higher means more alkaline. 
  3. Alkaline water typically stays between 8-9 due to added minerals like calcium, sodium, and magnesium.
  4. Regular tap water stays at pH 6-6.5. Even though RO water has a lower pH, it's perfectly safe to drink.
  5. Evocus’s Black Water Drink has a pH of 8+.

Now, let us look at the natural sources and learn about the uses of alkaline water below.

Exploring Natural Alkaline Water Sources

Mother Nature has her tricks for crafting this hydrating liquid. Here are some natural alkaline water sources and their features:

  • Alkaline Lakes

Alkaline lakes are also known as soda lakes. They have a high pH, meaning they are very basic. The pH can be as high as 9-12. This is because the water dissolves minerals like carbonate salts from the rocks around the lake. Nearby ponds and streams also become slightly alkaline from the minerals in the groundwater. Their pH is a bit lower, around 8-8.5. 

  • Springs

Springs are a nice example of how water can filter through the earth. As spring water moves deep below ground, it picks up helpful minerals. When the water surfaces again in an artesian well or spring, it contains beneficial calcium and other alkaline elements.

The diversity of minerals and moderate pH of springs, in particular, can make for a well-balanced natural alkaline water source.

The Uses of Alkaline Water: Beyond Hydration

Alkaline water quenches thirst, but it does so much more, too! Additionally, the other uses of alkaline water are as follows:

  • Cooking Enhancements: Its elevated pH level enhances flavors by properly hydrating ingredients. This happens especially in the case of Basmati Rice.
  • Gardening: Alkaline water is great for your plants as it offers growth and root health nutrients. Just be sure not to overdo it and hurt the plants.
  • Skincare Support: Beauty buffs note that alkaline water's detoxifying abilities may promote glowy skin from the inside out by neutralizing free radicals. It also has anti-aging elements. Maintaining pH balance is also key for clear complexions.
  • Exercise Recovery Aid: Post-sweat sessions call for alkaline water. Its pH helps counter acid buildup from workouts to reduce fatigue. 
  • Digestive Health Support: Even digestive health could benefit, as some studies note its soothing effects on upset tummies. Still, more research is needed, of course.

Advantages of Drinking Alkaline Water: Potential Benefits for Health

There is currently a lot of ongoing research on alkaline water and its potential health benefits. The primary advantages of drinking alkaline water are:

  1. pH balance: Basically, it is meant to stabilize the internal pH of your body, which has many implications for metabolism. 
  2. Antioxidants: Alkaline water contains antioxidants that destroy harmful free radicals. It may also stop aging and increase the ability of cells to cope with everyday stress.
  3. Hydration: Certain people consider this kind of water to have more hydrating power because it is absorbed more easily. Sufficient fluid intake is one of the most important factors for maintaining good health and general well-being.
  4. Bones: Bones are associated with increased bone density, particularly in women after menopause. In alkaline water, the minerals, including calcium and magnesium, could build bones in the long run.
  5. Hydration for Digestive Tract: Alkaline contributes to maintaining moisture levels in the gastrointestinal system. This supports the beneficial microflora involved in the elimination process.
  6. Weight loss: Research in the World Journal of Gastroenterology shows it might help with weight loss. But you shouldn't rely on it alone.
  7. Cancer risk: Some evidence links it to cancer prevention and better treatment outcomes by protecting DNA telomeres, but medical guidance is vital here.
  8. Heartburn relief: Research points to possible acid reflux relief by reducing excess acid levels naturally.
  9. Detoxification: Antioxidants help flush out toxins, supporting natural detox functions, though they are not a substitute for professional programs!
  10. Skin and hair: Research links its antioxidants to anti-aging skin protection from UV rays. Minerals may replenish hair as well.

Disadvantages of Alkaline Water: Considerations and Concerns

While alkaline water's promised perks intrigue many, it's only fair to consider the possible disadvantages of alkaline water. Alkaline water has garnered attention for its potential health benefits, but like all good things, it’s best enjoyed in moderation. 

The body naturally regulates its pH levels, and while alkaline water can complement this process, excessive consumption may lead to discomfort. Similarly, while it can aid digestion, it’s important not to overdo it to maintain the stomach’s natural balance. 

Regarding medication, it’s always wise to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure that alkaline water doesn’t interfere with absorption. A balanced approach to drinking alkaline water can help maintain the harmony of the body’s microbiome and support kidney function without overburdening it. 

Lastly, a moderate intake ensures that the body’s mineral levels remain optimal. Embrace the benefits of alkaline water, but remember that balance is the cornerstone of good health.

Alkaline water has become a topic of interest for its unique properties and the potential health benefits it offers. It’s designed to complement the body’s natural pH balance and support overall well-being. 

While alkaline water is a beneficial addition to a healthy lifestyle, it’s best enjoyed as part of a balanced diet. Embrace the positive changes it can bring to your life, but always remember to consume it in moderation for optimal health.

Evocus has launched products to meet the demands of its customers. Among these are Evocus Black Alkaline Drink and Alkaline Mineral Drink. These drinks provide distinct advantages for hydration and general health. Not only this, black alkaline water has clinically proven benefits, such as studies suggesting that alkaline water may help reduce nonalcoholic fatty liver disease symptoms. Another study suggested that drinking alkaline electrolyzed water slightly improved stool in 60 human participants.

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